Remembering and Making Memories…..

REMEMBERING……The other day I was looking over a pattern for a new embroidery project that I planned to do. I started to reach for the phone to call my mother, my cohort, the dynamic duo of embroidery when I remembered that she was no longer with us. I was sad, yes, because I could no longer share this interest with her. But I was more thankful for the times we shared our love for embroidery and the talks we had together.

Spending time….

This got my brain thinking about all the ways I could have spent time with her. liked to do Word Search puzzles, watching movies, sewing, embroidery, garage sales, thrift store and talking.                                                                                                                                        My mom on her 95th birthday.

Road Trips

My mom loved going to garage sales and thrift stores. But that changed when she became incontinent and difficult for her to walk around. Then I thought of watching movies together, which she liked, so that is one more pleasurable moment I had with her. The best time we both had was having lunch and non-stop gabbing about this or that. The 2 hours I spent with her every Tuesday flew by before we both knew it. Along with embroidery, I will cherish and remember those times for the rest of my life.

Making Memories

I have to be honest it was not easy carving out time so we both could enjoy those moments. But I knew not taking the time to share and be with my mom, I would regret it. And the worse part, I would not have known how wonderfully funny, caring, and knowledgeable a person my mom was. Do not miss this valuable time with your loved ones that work, chores and just life kept us from knowing each other. This is the time to really know them. My mom had a crush on Phil Collins, the singer. Who knew?

So, my question to you is:

What moments do you want to capture and remember with your loved one? What can you do now with them, given their mindset, physical capabilities, and likes/dislikes, today that will give you both pleasure and your memories to cherish?

Here are some suggestions for spending time with your loved one.


Remember we are all on the bus of life and will never know when it is our time to exit the bus. Grab all the moments you can with your loved ones while they are still on the bus.



CK Brashares

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