SELF CARE How to be kind to yourself

In caring for an ill or aged loved to best help and care for them, making sure you are at your optimum health and fitness level is important. In practicing self-care on a daily basis, you will avoid burnout, fatigue and illness in yourself.


I am not saying to go out get a gym membership or start training for the Olympics. Simply, taking care of yourself by taking a walk in nature to de-stress, going to a movie you have wanted to see or even sitting quietly with a cup of tea or coffee.

To be in the best frame of mind to interact with an ill loved one on a daily basis is to have humor and a calm demeanor. Practicing self-care on a daily basis will place in a good frame of mind to care for a loved one.


What are some self-care practices you ask? I gathered this list of ten self-care tips from the National Institute of Mental Health:

  1. Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health. …
  2. Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. …
  3. Make sleep a priority. …
  4. Try a relaxing activity. …
  5. Set goals and priorities. …
  6. Practice gratitude. …
  7. Focus on positivity. …
  8. Stay connected.


You can find more information regarding these self-care practices at the link below:


A surprising source of self-care activity was which suggested the following self-care activities:

  • Journal about your feelings.
  • Meditate for 10 minutes.
  • Move your body in some way, such as by running, walking, or lifting weights.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Take a mental health day.
  • Buy yourself a gift.
  • Read a book.
  • Practice deep breathing.More information can be found regarding self-care activities at the link below:


    Whatever you choose as a self-care activity or practice, do so on a regular basis to be effective. If you care for yourself first, you will have ample strength and love to care for your loved one.

    Blessings  CK Brashares

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